The dark side of strippers
For both men and women, strip club is a place where they can have great time, enjoying and drinking at the same time. What’s more, they will be surrounded by beautiful and handsome strippers. In the opinion of many people, strip clubs are places where the dreams come true. But, is this really true? Are the strip clubs really the wishing fountains where you can throw a coin or two in order to make your wishes come true? Or it is all just a false image that people have already know but somehow they still can not resist a visit to the strip club expecting that they will get something more.
As always, there are two sides of the coin. And that dark side of it certainly will not make your wishes come true.
People like strippers because they give them what they need, that is attention and provocative dance. Usually, touching is not allowed in the strip clubs. You can just watch and enjoy the dance. To tell the truth, strippers are always in control of the situation. They will show how much they want to and they will do what they want to do. But at the same time, they will try to get as much money as they can. Remember that it is all about money and business no matter what you think and feel. They will use you if you let them to use you and if you are ready to leave the strip club peniless. If you don’t mind this, then go ahead and try your luck because it certainly will not pay. It is the same as with gambling, you will never win.
Strippers might look more attractive than your partner but the truth is that you can’t have them. We all know that. And this very fact is what men like even more than strippers and their dance. They love a great fight and the conquest. They like the challenge of winning over a strippers’ affection. On the other hand, strippers are very good at challenging men to win over the privilege of getting intimate with them. But, at the same time, they have no intention of having sex with customers.
This is what they are for strippers, only customers and their job is to sell the dance and affection.And that same affection and attention they offer is not real. Strippers always go for what they want and this is money and nothing more. This is how they get paid. They can’t provide real love; they will only feed your vanity before you realize that you are financially used.
But there is also a bright side of strip clubs and strippers. You can spend some great time in you are interested only in that. Enjoy watching the great performance as you would enjoy watching any good movie. After all, strip clubs are supposed to provide fun. And if this is the only thing that you expect to have in the strip club, you can be sure that you will be satisfied.